Super Best Friends Play

Bayonetta 2

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Game Bayonetta 2
Episodes 1
Combined Length 1:30:32
Upload Date Nov 5, 2014
“My tiny arms can't reach your giant dinosaur breasts.” — Liam

Super Best Friends Play Bayonetta 2 is a Super Best Friends Play episode in which the full Zaibatsu (MattPat, Woolie, and Liam) provide an extra-long look at the sequel, try to use jetlag as an excuse, cover corpses in malt liquor, talk about face tattoos, unleash witch time, and suck dick for early copies of Platinum games.


Pat's not good enough to carry an entire LP, so here's just a giant extended look at the best character action game since...BAYONETTA 1!
— Video description


This blue is ten out of ten.
— Woolie
I just realized, this big super video of Bayonetta 2 that we're doing could also double as our Asura's Wrath LP by showing you how to make it good.
— Matt
Oh my god! Is Bayonetta gonna be fighting Kevin McCalister and they're both lost in New York?
— Matt
She's ninety percent gams.
— Woolie
Bayonetta joining the I love centaurs bandwagon.
— Pat
When I have a kid, I'm only going to expose him to pictures of Rodin in his Santa costume. That's gonna be his Santa.
— Liam
It's Platinum's commentary on the Catholic church.
— Woolie
I want a character action game where you're Kevin Bacon fighting Graboids.
— Matt
Platinum's one of those few companies that's like, "You know what, fuck you. There's nothing else good to homage, let's homage ourselves.
— Matt
I wouldn't even fuck this dead chick.
— Pat
Can we please stop talking about Big Rigs 2 in Bayonetta 2?
— Woolie
No. It's basically the same game!
— Matt and Pat
Colors is not good enough to wave away the rest of the pain.
— Pat
If you need to know how to talk to women ask your mom.
— Woolie
Hey kids, if you can turn into a panther, do it. There is never any downside.
— Matt
There is nothing you can do in your life that is more shameful than your own birth.
— Pat
Get a tattoo of Mike Tyson on your face.
— Matt
Get a tattoo of Mike Tyson's face tattoo on your face.
— Liam
That was outta nowhere. Like the RKO.
— Pat
Remember that scene in Jurassic Park where the T-Rex is like, "Hey sis."
— Pat
Yeah, I remember that. With the Mega Milk shirt.
— Liam
My tiny arms can't reach your giant dinosaur breasts.
— Liam
My brain is wiped after all that T-Rex titty talk.
— Pat
Can we rename the channel, "Bias Platinum Fanboys"?
— Woolie


  • Liam and Woolie had both completed the game prior to this video, whereas Pat and Matt had impressively managed to avoid any exposure to it.
  • The Zaibatsu's praise for the touch pad control scheme included the glowing recommendation of "It works."