Two Best Friends Play:

Beatdown Fists of Vengeance

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Game Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance
Season 4
Episode 5
Length 13:28
Upload Date Feb 19, 2012
Controller Matt
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“I got to feel up some boobage and I got paid!” — Matt

Two Best Friends Play: Beatdown Fists of Vengeance is a Machinima episode in which Matt and Pat obtain a pipe from someone's dick, dress Woolie in drag, escape prison with the power of prostitution, and help out people by robbing them.


Life on the streets is hard, so that’s why Matt and Pat fashion a create-a-character that looks like Woolie to dish out the beatdowns!
— Website description


The opening has Matt and Pat back to back, surrounded by people, fists up and ready to fight. Matt cocks back his arm and accidentally elbows Pat, knocking him to the floor. Pat angrily jumps up and fights Matt instead.


I'm totally hyped for this loading.
— Pat
Woolie, you are our guardian angel.
— Matt
What are you gonna do? Are you just shove the money in his mouth and just take cocaine out of his ass?
— Pat
Remember when we were walking down the street one time and saw gang members just spinning in a circle?
— Matt
Just reach into this guy's dick and pull out fifty-seven bucks.
— Pat
Hey, man, I just like having fun; go to Sea World, take my pants off...
— Matt
I'm gonna conga line those motherfuckers!
— Pat
The power of prostitution got me to escape from this hellhole!
— Matt
I got to feel up some boobage and I got paid!
— Matt
I think this is what Woolie spends most of his free time doing.
— Matt
Just running down the street doing body splashes, punching cars...
— Pat

