Matt & Pat's Shitstorm of Scariness

Cry of Fear

Cry of Fear
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Game Cry of Fear (Half-Life mod)
Controller Pat
Length 55:52
Next Doom 3
Previous The Suffering
“Man, there's no scarier place than Europe.” — Matt

Cry of Fear is the eighteenth episode of Matt and Pat's Shitstorm of Scariness special.


Fuck these fucking scary half-life mods. FUCK.
— Video description


In this episode, Matt and Pat take a tense and oppressive trip to Europe. Along the way, they get run over, take pictures in an empty void, stab Freddy Krueger, kill children, get scared shitless, and take lots of morphine.


Yeah, James Small. Everytime he talks he reminds me of horror games.
— Pat
Imagine you were just making a turkey and you looked in your window and saw a green face, and you just started throwing up on your horse.
— Matt
This is basically Pokemon Snap.
— Matt
You need like, a shotgun camera.
— Matt
The sound music.
— Pat
Hey kids, if you see yourself in the mirror... don't break it.
— Matt
Door knockers killed my family.
— Matt
Man, there's no scarier place than Europe.
— Matt
Europe's got tons of Europe stuff in it.
— Pat
Where's the morphines kids? I demand it.
— Pat
It was infeasibly long.
— Pat


  • The audio in this episode is out of sync for the first four minutes.
  • In Nightmare House 2, Pat mentions this episode "shitting all over itself" when they tried rendering the video.

