Best Friends Play

Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls 2 LP Title
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Game Dark Souls 2
Episodes 57 (Main game); 26 (DLC);

83 (Total)

Combined Length 27:03:52 (Main game); 11:51:15 (DLC);

38:59:07 (Total)

Original Run Jul 10, 2014 - Dec 24, 2014
Controller Woolie

For the original one-off episodes, see Dark Souls 2.

“You know what I mean?” — Pat

Best Friends Play Dark Souls 2 is a full Let's Play in which Pat and Woolie journey into the dark and dangerous land of Drangleic as the descendant of Woolie's original character, Woolsworth II with a nitpicky Navi guiding him. With the help of Pat's supreme knowledge of being a badass at the Dark Souls games, can Woolie survive with a non-sorcerer class, or will his death count reach higher than the heavens themselves?

Total On-Screen Deaths: 178


The adventures of Woolsworth continue! Woolie and Pat are back for more of that sweet, sweet agony. Won't you join us?
— Website playlist description

See the individual episode descriptions at the Dark Souls 2 (Full Let's Play) Descriptions page.


So by the way, people watching this at home, we are playing this online. So there is a likelihood that you will run into us. Please don't fuck with us.
I don't wanna be a little ginger, you be a little ginger. Oh wait.
Fine! Let's see how balls you've have.
See, these skills will help you learner gooder.
I feel like I have balls Pat. I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna reach down and check.
Oh, your balls were too huge. You tripped over them.
What's the word of the day, Pat?
By the time you have time to think about it, it's too late.
I'm gonna try to not get too deep into stat porn.
You are gonna be really easily able to tell which episodes are the starts of recording.
Black fire bomb. It's like a fire bomb, but better. Draw your conclusions from there.
You can't sneak around, you're a turtle knight. You're a fat, huge, loud asshole!
She's a pricey maiden. She likes to be wined and dined.
That would have been really embarrassing. Like, mid explanation of how bitch the skeleton is, I eat it.
And he's like, 'Yo, ask me anytime you wanna shoot a lightning bolt.'. I'd be like, fuck yeah Jesus, I'm down.
The next time you dodge his big attack... (Woolie dies) ...which will be never.
Would you say it's coming back?
I'd say it's coming back. It's coming back.
Which is weird 'cause you never really had it.
Ah dude, you got this in the bag. That's me jinxing it.
And now you are oiled... (Woolie falls into a pit) ...and now you are dead!
I feel like you were too big for your britches before, and now your britches fell down and everyone's looking at your butt.
You blocking almost snapped my controller in half!
I don't know how people have the balls to stream the Souls series. Because not only are you performing it like we are now, in a situation where you can feel the eyes on you, but you can also just look over in the chat and see people shit talk you in real time.
I want my good roll and I wanna look like a cool guy.
Cool guys don't have green dreads.
Get good at door.
When they rage out like that, they're just like, 'Fuck it. Fuck the stupid light, fuck your stupid human face...'
I want my jacked up zombie face. That's what gets me going.
No don't think, feel.
Thank you Chie/Bruce Lee.
You know what I mean?
I'd be bored as shit if you knew what you were doing!
You can't even imagine how salt this mother-fucker looks right now!
You are succeeding in spite of my help.
Now when you get to the end of this, you will have too much confidence, and it will get you murdered.
It's not an MMO but it has the MMO effect of, look at this hype shit, other people have! Don't you want it?
I really hope we're killing people that know the show
Do you remember how to get there?
Hold on... hold on... no.
It's my job to know about sticky white stuff. Thank you. I put a lot of time into it.
We confirmed at Con Bravo that girls are watching.
You can tell Woolie to stop trying to face fuck every enemy in the game. Circle strafing solves most problems.
Pat, quoting Plague of Gripes
It means more than what it means.
Hey viewer, don't turn this video off. Woolie will do a good job, I promise. I promise. And if he fails, you would enjoy that too.
It's because I'm using your bad character, that I told you how to mak... Ah, I didn't think that through.
Kurt Cobain found us no problem, and he's been dead for years.
Shame on me for assuming you were being a good person.
This is really stupid. This is the stupidest fight I've ever seen.
There's always something in something.
Are you saying clowns aren't people? 'Cause they aren't.
This moment right here, when it first happened, my fantasy boner was diamond status.
You're really tense. Let's go get some Dark Souls hookers after this.
Hey, everybody. You hear that dick noise? That's me!
Usually my baby sense is tingling.
I'm trying to not be a baby today. I'm trying to be a toddler.
What if it wasn't a wink and a nod? What if they were just tugging your balls?
You seem to have gained confidence that clearly don't deserve.
Wheelchair tech isn't advanced! Wheel plus chair!
I'm assuming experiments, 'cause their creepy bird torsos are creepy, but they got that ass.
I'm gonna regard Dark Souls 2's plot as official fan-fiction, 'cause that's what it reads like.
That's excellent to the point that I'll say that's sex-cellent!
Spider-Door, Spider-Door. Does whatever a Spider-Door.
Because it is great to throw garbage onto the floor of the Earth, because fuck the Earth.
I want to believe that Heineken and Dark Souls exist in a simultaneous universe.
So she sell shards... by the seashore.
What happens if you have to survive one day?
Then I'll die!
We gotta swap. I wanna know if your fluids are good.
Wouldn't it be awesome if you went to a fantasy setting and everyone spoke with a Ninja Turtles level Brooklyn accent.
If I had a fan base, they'd kill me.
Eggs are more important than Rocky Horror! This is the real argument to have!
Till it's coming out of your face and your pores. You'll be shitting and pissing dark.
Anytime someone starts to fuck up, I call them Matt.
Everything I say, just mentally add the phrase 'To my knowledge', to the end of that. 'Cause I'm probably wrong.
No, I'm telling you to shut up because you're stupid, not for any good reason.
You remember Nito from Dark Souls one? He made a bunch of MILFS.
Worship death or worship taxes. You pick.
Petrified Dragon Boning. Sublime Boner Dust.
Ruh roh. Somebody's mom's calling them.
Pat, after hearing Woolie's phone
I have to save Drangleic, Mom.
Imagine we open up this door, 'It's fucking Navlan!'.
I like big chains and I cannot lie.
Arrows up the bum-bum. That's what I'm expecting.
There it is. There's the ass fire we all wanted.
Don't die in the middle of the playthrough, Pat. Don't die in the middle of the playthrough!
It's happening. Ah, I knew it would end like this!
Pat, while choking on Redbull
If you hear any ambient noise, it's because we're playing this out on the street today.
If you need to pound nails through your dick to get through this video, then I have a hammer in my closet.
I don't know what that is. Is this hip-hop?
This is the black people. You know what they do. Playing all the rap musics, shooting up all the jobs.
Do me, white guy, do white power as a white guy, pretending to be a black guy pretending to be a white guy. That's too meta.
Let's try and get our bearings, shall we?
No, just immediately go and fight the challenge area.
It's like watching a baby who's legs were cut off and given cyborg legs. That was probably the worst analogy I have ever used.
Oh wow, I'm garbage.
There was that dark moment a while ago where you were like, "I'm gonna cancel this fucking Let's Play."
You're doing way better than I was. Way better. That's because I'm such a good coach.
This is my own house so I can just shit anywhere I want. Including on this couch, rigght next to you.
I like how you watched your stamina and then threw it in the garbage.
Sonic, what the hell are you doing? Get back in your game Sonic Boom.
I hit multiple girls.
Don't hit multiple girls.
Ewww, that dead body is covered in poopy... and it fell out of a window.
I look like such a weird asshole!
I know, and then you put a weird costume on yourself in the game.

Those Who Summoned Woolsworth II[]

HI Part four World master killed fighting the Pursuer
SAY Part four Assisted in killing The Last Giant; aided by second phantom, Radgar
Evs Part ten World master dies by falling off the side of the Dragon Rider's stage
Greatsword Part ten Assisted in killing Old Dragonslayer; aided by second phantom, pantsface

Those Summoned By Woolsworth II[]

Slither Part four Died attempting to help defeat the Pursuer
Saber Lily Part five Assisted in killing The Last Giant
Mild Mannered Pate (NPC) Part five Assisted in killing The Last Giant
Parry Part seven Summoned to help fight The Pursuer
Infraggable Part seven Killed Woolsworth II during Pursuer fight
S**yuka Part seven Killed by Mike during fight with Pursuer
Mike Part seven Killed S**yuka and Pursuer with ballista
Lucatiel of Mirrah (NPC) Part thirteen Assisted in killing Flexile Sentry
Filosofem Part sixteen Killed during fight with the Ruin Sentinels
Pilgrim Bellclaire (NPC) Part sixteen Dismissed after Woolsworth II dies during fight with the Ruin Sentinels
Jester Thomas (NPC) Part twenty-seven Assisted in killing Mytha, The Baneful Queen
Ike Part twenty-seven Assisted in killing Mytha, The Baneful Queen
Manscorpian Tark (NPC) Part thirty-three Assisted in killing Scorpioness Najka
Seth Part thirty-six Summoned by Rat King Covenant; Vanquished by Woolsworth II
Felicia the Brave (NPC) Part forty-three Dismissed after Woolsworth II dies
Grave Warden Agdayne (NPC) Part forty-seven Killed during fight with Velstadt the Royal Aegis
Benhart of Jugo (NPC) Part forty-nine Assisted in killing Throne Watcher and Throne Defender
Head of Vengarl (NPC) Part forty-nine Assisted in killing Throne Watcher and Throne Defender
Benhart of Jugo (NPC) Part fifty-seven Killed during the fight with Nashandra
Head of Vengarl (NPC) Part fifty-seven First summon: Killed during the fight with Nashandra

Second summon: Assisted in killing Nashandra

Loki Part fifty-seven Assisted in killing Nashandra
Plague, the Woolie Hunter Off camera Gifted Woolsworth II with the Mad Warrior Set

Those Who Invaded the World of Woolsworth II[]

Kurt Cobain Part eighteen Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Belfry Luna
Lemon Part eighteen Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Belfry Luna
Vorgel the Sinner (NPC) Part nineteen First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Belfry Luna

Second Invasion: Woolsworth II killed by dogs before Vorgel arrives

Third Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II by impalement

Fourth Invasion: Woolsworth II killed by dogs while getting Bastille Key

Jason Reddski Part twenty-one Slew Woolsworth II in Huntsman's Copse
Merciless Roenna (NPC) Part twenty-one Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Huntsman's Copse
Ezio Part twenty-four Slew Woolsworth II in Heide's Tower of Flame
Durzo Part twenty-nine Slew Woolsworth II with assistance of Peeces and lag in Belfry Sol
Peeces Part twenty-nine Slew Woolsworth II with assistance of Durzo and lag in Belfry Sol
Hisa Part twenty-nine Returned to their world after Woolsworth II crossed a fog door
Nameless Usurper (NPC) Part forty Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Drangleic Castle.
Peculiar Kindular (NPC) Part forty-four Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Shrine of Amana
Cuaroc Part forty-four Slew Woolsworth II in Shrine of Amana
Nameless Usurper (NPC) Part forty-seven Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Undead Crypt

Aslatiel of Mirrah (NPC)

Part forty-nine Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Aldia's Keep
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (NPC) Part fifty-one First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Aldia's Keep

Second Invasion: Returned to their world after Woolsworth II crossed a fog door

Plague, the Woolie Hunter Part fifty-two Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Dragon Aerie
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (NPC) Part fifty-two Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Dragon Aerie
Dragonfang Villard (NPC) Part fifty-three Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Dragon Shrine
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (NPC) Part fifty-four Returned to their world after Woolsworth II went into a different zone
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (NPC) Part fifty-five First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Forest of the Fallen Giants

Second Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Forest of the Fallen Giants

Third Encounter: Woolsworth II commited suicide in order to avoid the battle in Forest of the Fallen Giants

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (NPC) Part fifty-six Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Drangleic Castle
Maldron the Assassin (NPC) Part sixty First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Brume Tower

Second Invasion: Fell to his death in Brume Tower

Quicksword Rachel (NPC) Part sixty-two First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Brume Tower

Second Invasion: Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Brume Tower

Prowlers (Five NPCs) Part sixty-four First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II with three Prowlers remaining in Brume Tower

Second Invasion: Remaining Prowlers vanquished by Woolsworth II in Brume Tower

Jester Thomas (NPC) Part seventy-one Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Dragon's Sanctum
Rockshield Baldyr Part seventy-two Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Shulva, Sanctum City
Holy Knight Aurheim (NPC) Part seventy-six Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce
Jomono Part seventy-seven/seventy-eight Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce
Hexer Nicholai (NPC) Part seventy-eight Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce
Maldron the Assassin (NPC; disguised as White Phantom) Part seventy-eight First Invasion: Woolsworth II killed by Ice Rats while pursuing Maldron

Second Invasion: Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce

Castaway Witch Donna (NPC) Part eighty First Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce

Second Invasion: Slew Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce

Third Invasion: Vanquished by Woolsworth II in Frozen Eleum Loyce

Lone Part eighty-two Slew Woolsworth II in the Undead Crypt

Those Worlds that were Invaded by Woolsworth II[]

Hai Part twenty Slain off-screen by another gray spirit, Jiron, in Belfry Luna
GType Part twenty Slain with assistance of second gray spirit, AyumiShinozaki, in Belfry Luna
Bellum Part twenty-nine Slain with assistance of second gray spirit, Cu***ber, in Belfry Sol
Licia of Lindelt (NPC) Part forty-eight Slain by Woolsworth II in Majula


  • The title card art is a combination of two pictures done by Alebeard.
  • The music played during the intro and outro is the theme heard while in the town of Majula in Dark Souls 2. It's listed as "Majula" on the Dark Souls 2 OST.
  • Plague of Gripes' side of the duel, and him giving Woolie the Mad Warrior armor, can be seen in this video.
  • The main game was played in parts one through fifty-seven, Crown of the Old Iron King DLC was in parts fifty-eight through sixty-seven and eighty-three, Crown of the Sunken King DLC was in parts sixty-seven through seventy-four, and the Crown of the Ivory King DLC was in parts seventy-five through eighty-two.
  • In part twenty-three, due to patches nerfing miracles, Woolie re-allocates points in order to wield the Greatsword and go down the path of a STR build.

