Shitstorm 2: The Shittening


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Game Ildefonse
Controller Pat
Length 34:57
Next Luigi's Mansion
Previous Fatal Frame IV
“You're part of the problem Woolie!” — Pat

Iledefonse is the twenty-seventh episode of Matt and Pat's Shitstorm 2: The Shittening special.


This guys flat is evil, spooky, but more than anything? FUCKING CONFUSING. And it knows that Clark Gable was a suave ass guy.
— Video description


In this episode, Matt and Pat go to a spooky flat. There, they climb baby steps, put sticks and toilets, listen to Gone with the Wind quotes, wear fedoras, get lost in super narrow hallway mazes, make fun of Woolie, have an existential crisis, and faint.


I don't listen to Woolie. Just like Woolie doesn't, like, watch these.
— Pat
That's too fucking cursive.
— Matt
Remember that time in BioShock where Big Daddies come and they start going bomchickabowchickaow?
— Matt
Someone should specifically kickstart "Locked Doors: The Game.
— Matt
Oh that's it. There's only so much of this game I can take. But when you add a fedora to it... get outta town.
— Pat
3 spooky 5 me.
— Pat
What a mysterious run.
— Pat
I wanna see a scary game where you got Gators on.
— Woolie
How does he not throw up at his own run?
— Matt
Learn the lore. Learn Portuguese, moron.
— Pat
Hey, I'm good at survival horror.
— Matt
This is the weirdest jogo.
— Pat
Remember kids, never go the right way.
— Matt
Always go the wrong away.
— Pat
Woolie, now you can go back and watch Downpour, it makes way more sense.
— Pat
I'm omnipotently incompetent.
— Matt
My racist building guy's not-I mean, my building guy's not racist.
— Pat
How can my racist building guy possibly be this racist?
— Matt
That's as good a plan as any. Walk straight into murderous danger.
— Pat

