Shitstorm 7

The Conjuring House

Shitstorm 7 The Conjuring House
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Game The Conjuring House
Controller Matt
Length 42:27
Next Stifled
Previous Constantine
“I've never seen this legendary amount of lockage.” — Matt

The Conjuring House is the seventeenth episode of Matt and Pat's Shitstorm 7 special.


Intro Art by:
Animation By:
Music By:

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— Video description


Matt and Pat go to Britain where they find a whole host of spooks, including such horrors as vague accents, screen tearing, tentacle hags and game crashes.


I'm moving slowly because I think the game looks better that way.
— Matt
I learned that that logo's dope and I want to keep seeing it.
— Pat
You can always tell the quality of a horror game based on the unfamiliarity of the accent used.
— Matt
That's a zodiac symbol.
— Pat
No, it's a Scorpio symbol.
— Matt
So far below zero that the voice acting becomes a ten.
— Matt
I stopped wearing my wallet chain years ago, no one noticed.
— Matt
Keep your flashlight comments in your pocket.
— Matt
What are you, like a ghost from the 1740's?
— Pat
Just get a big Zodiac. Fucking shove it in your keyhole.
— Pat
This IS Shit's Locked! I've never seen this legendary amount of lockage.
— Matt
I believe you have the power to stop the crash this time.
— Pat
Is this house haunted by the screen tearing monster?
— Matt
Why does everybody wear pants like this? See, I have pants like that.
— Matt


  • Given that this game came out "an hour and twenty minutes" before Matt and Pat played it, this video was most likely recorded on September 25, 2018.