Shitstorm 7

Witch Hunt

Shitstorm7 Witch Hunt
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Game Witch Hunt
Controller Pat
Length 36:17
Next The Council of Hanwell
Previous Manhunt 2
“They must not think you're a great witch hunter if you're bashing yourself with doors.” — Matt

Visage is the twenty-seventh episode of Matt and Pat's Shitstorm 7 special.


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— Video description


Matt and Pat go hunting witches and werewolves in Eastern Europe, where they get to realistically reload flintlock weapons, spend 50 mana on saving, free doggos that bite their balls off and fight zambamboes.


When they hang a woman because she wins a lotto ticket and they assume she's a witch...
— Matt
Yeah, only a witch can win a lotto ticket.
— Pat
Do you hear just clanging metal? Are you a Terminator?
— Matt
No, wait, it costs mana! God, it's like Omirkon all over again!
— Pat about the saving system
They must not think you're a great witch hunter if you're bashing yourself with doors.
— Matt
The zebra did it. I read it all the way to the end.
— Matt
Really? You read the whole Bible?
— Pat
Man, "I need 50 mana" should be on everything now.
— Matt
Good shot. Let's hope it wasn't a person.
— Matt
You didn't pick that up. Did you need fifty mana to pick that up?
— Matt
That's a good fuckin' term, "way early access".
— Pat
It behooves oneself to turn around every now and then.
— Matt
It feels like we're playing a Cabela game.
— Matt
But with monsters.
— Pat
I want sexy witches like in Dragon's Crown.
— Matt
I'll stir that... cauldron. With my wiener.
— Pat
Littlest Hobo will have to wait a little more-bo.
— Matt
You're making fun of Todd Coward, but this is the most cowardly technique I've seen in a while.
— Matt about Pat's Skyrim strats
My product will be shit but you'll still like it.
— Matt as Bethesda
Whoops, I've fallen on my Bayonetta Amiibo.
— Matt